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Join the right to fair repair movement

The world has a ballooning electronic waste problem. We produced nearly 59 million tons of e-waste in 2019 — enough to equal the weight of 162 Empire State Buildings.

This crisis is a result of electronics manufacturers’ deliberate policies. When manufacturers like Apple make their electronics unnecessarily difficult to repair, they encourage consumers to buy brand new gadgets and toss their old ones in a landfill.

This problem is entirely avoidable. If we were allowed to fix our own stuff, we could cut down on this unnecessary e-waste.

That's why we need you to tell your state representative to support our right to fair repair.

Aside from the sheer numbers, e-waste poses unique threats to our environment and health. E-waste is often hazardous and contains toxic chemicals, such as lead and mercury, that can leach into groundwater.

On top of that, electronics manufacturers’ lobbying power poses a distinct obstacle to the policies — such as legislation guaranteeing our right to repair — that would address this issue.

In 2019, for example, Apple lobbied California lawmakers to try to defeat Right to Repair legislation in that state, and the bill was ultimately pulled.

Against this sort of lobbying, we need to raise as many voices as possible. That’s why we need you to urge your state representative today to support Right to Repair legislation.

Despite this opposition from manufacturers, the right to repair movement is gaining momentum. Already, half the country is considering Right to Repair legislation.

This legislation could provide a crucial step in making it easier for us to fix our own stuff — and keep it out of a landfill.

But to give these bills hope, we need to make it clear that the public supports the right to repair. Tell your state representative: Let us fix what we own